About Chris

Chris Shaw was first elected to the Dayton City Commission in November 2015 and is currently serving his second term. He is running for a third term to continue making Dayton a great place to live, work, and raise a family.

Chris is currently the owner/operator of Shaw Cleaners. Shaw Cleaners is a full-service commercial and wholesale dry cleaning and laundry business that is over 100 years old and located in Southwest Dayton. Chris has grown the business into one of the Dayton region's premiere textile cleaning businesses specializing in the hospitality, logistics and entertainment industries.

In addition to being a respected business leader, Chris is very active in our community. He has served on a number of boards such as the Montgomery County Workforce Investment Board, the City of Dayton Manufacturing Task Force, the Dayton Ombudsman Board, the Montgomery County Vulnerable Youth in Transition Advisory Board, Project Cure Board, Montgomery County Human Services Levy Council Board, Downtown Dayton Partnership Board, REOPEN Dayton Co-Chair, Economic Development Committee Chairman for the Dayton Unit NAACP, Chairman the Greater Dayton Chamber of Commerce and the National League of Cities Infrastructure Committee.

Chris ran for City Commission to be a voice for small business owners, prioritize investments in neighborhoods, and to ensure residents are receiving high-quality essential services. During his time on the City Commission, Chris has been a strong supporter of labor unions and good paying jobs. He has supported over $1 billion invested in downtown, efforts to end predatory lending practices directed at our city’s most vulnterable, returning curbside leaf pick-up, repaving residential streets, demolishing nuisance properties, and investing in our neighborhood parks. He is particulary proud of the work he does connecting our schools with labor unions and employers, focusing on preparing students for good, high-paying jobs in our community.

Chris is a graduate of Colonel White High School in Dayton. He studied International Business at Howard University in Washington, D.C. and Organizational Management at Wilberforce University in Wilberforce, Ohio. He is married to his wife Debbie, and together they have one daughter, Gabrielle.